As Accountants in Banstead we understand how important it is to do the right thing with your time. It is one of the reasons why we win awards.
In this short video, Gordon D’Silva discusses one of the key elements which has driven his success over the 30 years he has been in business.
It is the concept of selling time for money, or even buying time with money.
If you are looking for an accountant in Banstead, or surrounding areas, decide whether a business minded accountant, who can help you understand your business numbers, is a team member who you could use.
Our skill in helping businesses understand their numbers, is one of the reasons so many businesses choose us.
To discover more, click one of the buttons on the right and let’s have a quick chat.
Click here: “How Do You Use Your Time?“
Click here: “Power of Follow-up“
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All the best
Gordon D’Silva
Gordon D’Silva is an International bestselling author of “Profit Propeller”, An Award-Winning Accountant, and a Speaker. He has developed The Profit Multiplier Program for entrepreneurs within Owner Managed Businesses, and their teams. Committed to results, he holds his clients accountable to their actions and time scales. His no holds barred, and direct approach is his calling card. To find out more about his work, click here.