The Bookkeeping Services for Busy Business Owners
(Without Changing Accountants).
No Fuss, No Delays, No Problem
Tired of Having To Fix Your Bookkeeping or Fed Up Doing It Yourself?
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We Have Used Our 40 Years of Experience to Make Your Bookkeeping Virtually Effortless…
Hey, did you know that If you get your bookkeeping system right, it can take you virtually no time or effort…
It’s even paperless!
And you get the reports you want, like your bank balance, possible tax liability, amount customers you, and the amount you owe… On time every month… Without fail.
You can use the information, if you choose, to spot areas where you may be losing money, or areas where there is the possibility of making more money.
James (name changed for confidentiality) was fed up with bookkeeping for his own business. Spending his evenings and weekends with receipts and a computer, was not his idea of fun after a hard days work. His accountant was chasing him regularly for information to do his VAT returns, and end of year accounts. Within two months of working with our bookkeeping services, he had his part of the system sorted, and his monthly figures delivered to him by the middle of the following month. Not only saving time, but also the peace of mind from knowing how much cash was in the bank (not spoken for by the taxman or suppliers).
James (name changed for confidentiality) was fed up with bookkeeping for his own business. Spending his evenings and weekends with receipts and a computer, was not his idea of fun after a hard days work. His accountant was chasing him regularly for information to do his VAT returns, and end of year accounts. Within two months of working with our bookkeeping services, he had his part of the system sorted, and his monthly figures delivered to him by the middle of the following month. Not only saving time, but also the peace of mind from knowing how much cash was in the bank (not spoken for by the taxman or suppliers).
I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about preparing the books for the taxman and the accountant. And while that is important, it’s simply not good enough to my way of thinking…
Three secrets that’s going to revolutionize the way you think about your record-keeping and bookkeeping systems, methodology and costs…
I’m Gordon D’Silva and I am a leading Chartered Accountant, Business & Finance expert who has helped over 1200 businesses maintain and understand their business numbers.
I have probably seen every bookkeeping mistake there is… come across every bookkeeping problem there is… And found solutions to them through bookkeeping services.
This means that business owners like you can get their record-keeping sorted in record time, with zero stress, and importantly collect the business intelligence that results.
Too many businesses see record-keeping as an evil, rather than as a benefit they can earn more money from. I help them change that perspective…
What People Are Saying About Us…
How we provide great bookkeeping service and valuable insights…
Alex Stileman
Guidance and turnaround advice … tells of his experience with Gordons Knight
Alex Stileman
So what is the big deal about bookkeeping? Surely there can’t be that much to it…I hear you say?
It’s all about getting three times as much value from the same effort, in less time and with less stress and cost.
“Why do most business owners see bookkeeping as a necessary evil…done only for their accountants and the taxman.” Gordon D’Silva
“While that is important, there is far more benefit to the business owner, if done correctly, then they will ever be to the accountants and taxman…”
Three secrets to help you get triple the value from your bookkeeping efforts
So I’m going to share with you 3 secrets to getting three times as much value from the same job as you did before.
If you were putting in £1 and getting £1 of value, you will get £3 or more from the same £1 investment…
In less time and with less effort and cost.
I will demonstrate how you can use this information to take control of your business, reduce costs and time taken, and increase your sales and profits.
All With improved bookkeeping services, processes and reporting.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: “I have my bookkeeping service covered, the system is fine, and I am okay with the costs and the information that is being produced.”
If you could get triple the returns, you would want to know how, right?
I am going to show you a really simple process that you can take and use immediately, to reduce your bookkeeping service costs and time. And increase the valuable insights you get from the process each month. to help you get better results.
Secret #1 – Automation
The big idea here is that technology has changed beyond recognition in the last five years.
We are now able to automate between 50% and 80% of routine bookkeeping processes, accurately and effortlessly.
- > Getting Bank information
- > Importing Expense Invoices
- > Raising Sales Invoices
Are an example of 3…
The car you may drive at 70 miles an hour on the motorway, was largely built by robots… Automation in action.
On your mobile phone, you properly have
automatic reminders and alerts for appointments and tasks.
You allow automation to make your life easier and more predictable in virtually every area of your life.Why should your bookkeeping services and record-keeping be any different?!
Secret #2 – Comparison
The main thing to understand here is that by comparing one thing with another, we can begin to gain valuable insights into what is going on.
These insights lead us to understanding, and action to improve.
Business is difficult at the best of times, and you have enough on your plate without trying to understand what’s going on in a spare moment or two you may have between meetings, working and family commitments.
- Comparing actual’s targets
- Comparing this month to last month (or the same month last year)
Imagine playing golf, without a scorecard… or football without goalposts…
Would not be half as effective would it?
By having something simply put in front of you, you can instantly pinpoint what is going right and what is going wrong.
Comparison makes that easier.And then take action on it…… Do more of it…… Or fix it!.
Great Bookkeeping Services.
Secret #3 – Collaboration
We are often too close to our own businesses to see the wood for the trees. We take things for granted. We assume we are doing the best we can, and it can’t be improved…
Have you ever watched Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank, and shouted at the screen and the business owner who has missed something obvious…
You can see it, because you are at a distance to it…
You are not emotionally attached to it…
What is clear to you, is not clear to them.
This is key, because when a trained eye, who
understands you and your business, looks over the same bookkeeping information, they see different things.They see areas of opportunity, that are waiting to be exploited. Often this can be exploited cheaply and quickly for more income.They also see areas of risk and exposure, which, if left unchecked, will result in losing money or worse….
You could collaborate with someone you already know and whose business know-how you trust.
- > Your management team (they may be too close),
- > Your spouse (this may not be easy),
- > Your accountant, or
- > Us…
- > Or you could take 5 quiet minutes yourself…
It is up to you.
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…
It’s all too much for me to deal with at the moment, I will leave it for a month or three, as I’m too busy to handle this now…
Well, the tricky thing is that there will never be a perfect time to improve your bookkeeping services or process, to save money, and grow your business with greater ease and certainty.Think about it…You have been busy for months.There are probably things you know you should be doing to improve your business income, but you’ve been too busy keeping the wheels spinning!
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And it is not as if you are blazing the trail… Others have been there before…
- We have offered the service for over eight years. We tested the tools and the systems on ourselves first, before rolling it out to our clients. We like going first, to iron out the glitches before we offer anything to clients.
- All the tools have bank level security and encryption.Because we are dealing with financial matters, security is key. It is at the core of all the tools we use.
- Security in numbers.There are more than 20,000 business users,using the tools we have put together…
And so I’ve created this unique proven process…
We came up with what is now called the Hands-free Hassle-free bookkeeping system.
HFHF for short.
It was all born out of frustration…
Our clients needed the information from their record-keeping and bookkeeping, to help them improve their business…
But, being entrepreneurs, they were far too busy to put the information together.
There had to be a better way…
Technology was being developed fast.
It started with everything being put in an envelope, and sent to our processing department for digitising and production into the financial records.
Then scanners came of age, and clients began scanning the documents over to us. That limited the service to companies who could afford £300 scanner.
When the smart phone became popular ( now virtually everyone has one), free scanning apps were offered on those… and the rest is history.
“The smart phone and artificial intelligence changed everything!” Gordon D’Silva
What makes this so special is that the process not only begins to make your life easier from the start, but it results in more accurate records, and lower costs.
What makes this so special is that the process not only begins to make your life easier from the start, but it results in more accurate records, and lower costs. Within weeks, you could be receiving all the benefits that the system delivers… Better records, quality insights, and targeted suggestions to improve your business results.
“Implement it piece by piece, one step at a time, in under 10 minutes a day.” Gordon D’Silva
And so what this is going to do is begin to free your time from the mundane tasks of record-keeping, allowing you to do more customer facing work, so you can earn more.It will provide your accountant with accurate records, which may reduce their costs.Within days of each month you will know with clarity where your business is financially and how it is placed for the future.You will know exactly what action is needed to stop leaking money, and how to put more cash in your bank account, rather than less.You will notice your stress levels reduce, and you’re feeling of “being in control of your business” increase.
Within weeks, you could be receiving all the benefits that the system delivers… Better records, quality insights, and targeted suggestions to improve your business results.
And because you are here, you have our better the “Money Back Guarantee”.
Let us work with you for 60 days (of bookkeeping or 60 days whichever lower) and you decide for yourself.
If our process does not do everything it says…You don’t have to pay us a penny.
That is our confidence in our Bookkeeping service/process and our commitment to you.
Introducing our Hands-Free Hassle-Free Bookkeeping Services
Who Designed this…
Gordon D’Silva is a Chartered Accountant and a leading Business & Finance expert who has won multiple awards for helping business owner clients manage their businesses with greater ease and success.
“What I do is make the complicated simple, and the difficult easy. I create simple step-by-step processes that anyone can follow, in minutes per day, to get the job done, for short and long term benefits.”
So what I’ve done is I’ve broken the whole process down into a series of logical and simple to follow steps. It will make your bookkeeping cheaper, more accurate, more convenient and more insightful then you have ever experienced before.
Lets see what this process is all about…
Our Bookkeeping Services are basically simple…
So why does your bookkeeping become such a pain?
Because people think it’s simple, they don’t put much thought into it, and get into all sorts of trouble…
And that is easily solved… Simply put more thought into it, which is why we have!
- 1Automation: Most information is simply and automatically pushed into “our software”, sometimes everyday, sometimes every week, depending on the data, and your preferences.
- 2Processing and thinking: Using rules and artificial intelligence, data is extracted from information and injected into the accounting software. Because of this, errors are reduced, and mundane jobs made painless. Any queries are cleared with you or your team weekly or monthly. Information is compared to what is expected, to make sure nothing is changed, that we should take into account.
- 3Reports and insights: we produce a series of reports for you, agreed in advance. Most clients love our one-page summary, produced in graphical, easy to read, format. we create a short video explaining the figures, data and analysis (with our insights) using our traffic light system.Red: needs attention urgently, please spend a bit of time here to fix the problem before it becomes dangerous. Amber: Caution advised – keep a watching brief and Green: everything okay here.
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What People Are Saying About Us…
How we provide great bookkeeping services and valuable insights…
Greg Gibbs
Bookkeeping service insight – virtual delivery of the service – more…
Ian Dawes
Welcome to the Main Bookkeeping Services Section
Here we have a highly attractive purchase section. We display another paragraph of text, which is a strong call to action to your readers. In addition, we have a product image, unmissable large button and some guarantee and safety symbols.
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A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People
4 years of our bookkeeping services experience
Nervous but happy he made the right decision on bookkeeping and accounting services…
Gordon is a multi-award-winning chartered accountant. He specialises in designing systems that make the difficult easy, the complicated simple and business profitable.
A bit like “the A Team” if you have a problem, chances are Gordon can fix it. 🙂
His “tell it like it is” straightforward style, will get you moving, and thinking in a different way about what is possible.
Have a 10 minute chat, and check for yourself.
Gordon D’Silva
Creator of The Hands Free Hassle Free Bookkeeping Service
Case Study: From In-House to Virtual
The client
The client in this case study was a business that was doing about £1 million turnover, selling services, based in central London.
They were using one of their internal team to do the bookkeeping.
She was working about three days a week and keeping the bookkeeping records up to date as best she could, and the other two days another administrative tasks.
The problem
She was getting snowed under, and didn’t really understand the bookkeeping… So they were getting many queries and corrections from their accountants. This not only cost a lot of money, but delayed the completion of the accounts.
They were nervous about “going virtual”. Understandably so. They had never done this in their 40 years of trading. They were using Sage desktop, which was both inflexible (they only had one licence, in their accountants were based in Newcastle, over 300 miles away)… And had paper files from floor-to-ceiling in one room, against the wall facing the window.
The directors wanted monthly or at least quarterly management figures with which to manage the business. It had been over 12 years since they last and regular management accounts (how time flies).
The Decision
To work with us, they had to change how they were operating, from a record-keeping standpoint. They already scanned all the paperwork, and saved it in dropbox. They were then filing all the paper as well! Saving no space at all.
They agreed to share the dropbox with us, and move from Sage to Xero, 1 of our two favourite accounting platforms…
We converted all the data from Sage over to Xero, so they maintained history, should they need it.
Within three weeks, the conversion was done, and our team (based over 15 miles away) began working remotely. Four weeks later the accounts were up-to-date, and the hands-free hassle-free bookkeeping process underway.
All the client had to do was different, was download the bank statements and emailing to our secure portal once a month. Between each month, the bank was linked to the software, and the bank sent the data to the software. (A one-way stream). With the new open Banking regime now in place, this is easier than it has ever been.
And quicker.
And cheaper.
The result:
The client now receives monthly management accounts, and management information
Holds no paper records (once paper is scanned, it is destroyed)
The bookkeeper, subsequently left, two years later, and was never replaced, as she was no longer needed…
The net saving was over £6000, in spite of all the benefits.
The directors, who now live abroad, can access the live accounts at any time they like, from the mobile smart phone, tablet or computer.
A win win you may say.
How much more will this cost me?
There is no hiding the fact that there are costs to this methodology. The software may cost between £10 and £30 per month. If you do it yourself, there are no further costs.
In fact, you may experience sufficient time savings, to make the decision pay for itself handsomely, especially if you consider your hourly rate to be between £20 and £100 per hour.
As the software and processes should save you over two hours per month, you can begin to see how much of a no-brainer this could be for you.
If you outsource the responsibility to us, then you will save even more time.
More importantly, you will get management information and insights that you may not have had before. Just one good decision based on one insight, could pay the annual cost of the service at a stroke.
We work on fixed fees, once we understand your business, and quote based on the transactions (number and complexity), and the reporting you would like. No hidden charges, no unpleasant surprises, just good value for money.
Because our bookkeepers love delivering bookkeeping services, and are brilliant at it, they often get the work done quicker than you would in house. Saving further costs.
That is why we offer a 60 day pay nothing guarantee. If you cannot begin to see how this will pay for itself handsomely within 60 days, you pay nothing, and have lost nothing.
Unsurprisingly, this has never happened.
Once the decision is made, clients understand the benefit of adopting this model, for the benefit of their business, and for themselves.
Advantages vs Disadvantages
I thought it would be useful to summarise a few pros and cons from adopting this model. This is not an exhaustive list, but does include what I consider to be the main points.
The Pros List
- Time-saving, often in many hours per week.
- Better control of your business, with better decision-making.
- Cost-effective, compared to inputting data manually.
- Secure, as the data is backed up in multiple servers around the world.
- Save desk and employee costs, and even accountancy fees could be saved.
The Cons List
- Some new costs for software, typically under £30 per month.
- It involves a change, and some people just don’t like change.
- Data is presented in an unfamiliar way, and you need to understand the new one.
- Unknown security issues… And uncertainty as to which platform to use.
- Implementing this will take some time in the short term.
Here’s “What You Get” with our Done-For-You Bookkeeping Services
- Online accounting software with world leading QuickBooks online
- An account with Datamulino or Receiptbank, depending on your needs
- A dedicated account manager who will understand your requirements
- Your records processed and attached to the accounting software for your convenience. you will be able to find any document, any time, in seconds.
- All reports compiled on time every time, as long as you have given us the information.
- If we miss a deadline, due to an error on our part, we pay the fine, and pay you £100 as an apology.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee Bookkeeping Services
You are fully protected by our 100% Bookkeeping Service Satisfaction-Guarantee. it is better than a money back guarantee. Use the service for 60 days. We cover the costs. If during that time you are not convinced that this is the right decision for you, leave politely, and pay nothing. We do not need a deposit, a commitment or credit card details. If we can’t trust you… How can we ask you to trust us?
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do you charge for bookkeeping services?
We charge based on the nature and volume of the transactions we will be dealing with, and type of reports you would like to see. As you appreciate, every business is different. However you will be offered a fixed fee before we start work.
What if I have questions before I make a decision?
We understand that this is an important decision for you, and so do not expect you to make a decision without talking to a qualified accountant or bookkeeper. That is why we welcome a call from you, to answer any questions you may have before you reach a decision.
Remember, we offer a 60 day, pay nothing unless you are happy, guarantee. We believe no one else offers such a powerful guarantee.
This demonstrates, confidence in our service, and in our ability to deliver great value to you.
Is the software really secure?
Software we use carries encryption to bank quality level.
However, we both know nothing is 100% secure. Not even the money in your wallet, the data on your PC, or information on your mobile device…
If you work in an office, and a cleaner comes in every evening, there is a potential data risk new environment every evening.
The software is as good as anything out there, and better than most alternatives, like paper, spreadsheets or other methods.
The companies we use would suffer greatly, if they did not take data security seriously.
I hope this gives you sufficient comfort to trust the software. I do.
What support do you offer?
If you use our hands free hasslefree bookkeeping service, you will be allocated an account manager who will be your contact from day-to-day. We look to get back to you within 24 hours off an enquiry.
Furthermore, the software company offers 24/7 email support to all their clients.
I would like to speak to someone to help me through my decision…
That is fine, and only to be expected.
In fact, we would never be able to take you on as a client without first discussing your requirements with you. We want to make sure that the decision is the correct one for you.
We do not take this responsibility lightly.
You can book a 15 chat with an accountant by clicking on this link below.
No Sales pressure…just helping you make the right decision.
Why the Better Than Money Back Guarantee?
We understand that changing the system you’ve been using for years, the matter how inefficient and painful… Is difficult.
We know this works.
That is why we want to remove any barrier in your way, and also demonstrate the confidence we have in our solution and our service.
We also believe in going beyond reasonable to help business owners do better. This guarantee, we believe, is the best available in the UK.
What do you think?
Lets have a call? Click here…
P.S.: I know making a decision to change is difficult. I also know that unless you change, nothing will change… Or you will be forced into making a change by legislation or competition or both.
It is better to make a decision on your own terms, then be forced to make one.
It is important you make the right one for yourself, and we can help you do that on a call. You can book a call with us using this link… the post scripts, use the link below to link to your purchase section or the checkout page.
Yes, I want to know more, now!
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