Sometimes opportunities come out of the strangest things. And an investment opportunity is probably opening up as we speak now. Maybe not right this minute, but in the next couple of days, weeks, or months. And you should be aware of it. Hi, my name is Gordon D’Silva and my main background is that of a charted accountant.I have helped many, many businesses grow their business, grow their wealth. And create the life they desire. And one of the things that interests me is how things and opportunities present themselves. And how you need to be ready to take advantage of those and what now the stock market is taking a bit of a hit.Because of this virus that’s going around. Now, the virus is a terrible thing. And you know, we need to be mindful of the people that are suffering and how to go out to them. I’m sure, but what is also happening is the stock market is crashing. Now it’s crushing for various reasons. Supply chains are going to be ruined.Businesses are going to hurt. Closing down schools, which means people are going to have to take time off. That may affect who, which employees come to work. Keep a production when you can get enough for just in time stuff from China, if your business relies on that.All of these things are relevance to what’s happening in the market right now. And it’s a global issue. If you’re not concerned about it. If you’re not aware of it and please become aware of it. And become a little bit concerned about it because it might impact you in your planning. But what I’m here to say to you is, when there isn’t ever a dip in the market where it’s not a major crisis that may last forever.Then when there’s a bit of a crash, it may be time to look at where you are investments on. Whether you should invest in markets that have taken a bit of a hit so that when everything goes back to normal, which they will. You know, the world has always goes back to normal and these things take off again. That you are in the right place to capsulize on that investment.In the meantime, don’t forget when you travel in public get your hand-wash and stuff and make sure you stay protected. And keeping attached. Remember, health is the thing that nothing can be helped. Health first, then well-being, and then business. But you know, look after your health, look after your well-being, and then look after your business and then everything else will take care of itself.This is Gordon D’Silva wishing you all the best and healthy future.