Build Security And Confidence
Build Security And Confidence
Last updated: 07 October 2020
Business Owner Update 22nd May
Recovery Plan P7Okay. And we’re on the last trio.You remember, we talked about three problems clients were presenting with and business owners were presenting with.The first one was a slowing down in sales.The second one was cashflow issues.And the third one here is going to be the future.Now you recall that we talked about…you know, with all this stuff going on with the virus and all the consequences of lockdown and open up and bouncy economies, and…… you know, let’s open up…let’s not open up,let’s work from homelets not work from home.All of this sort of nonsense.It causes a lot of uncertainty and it is a little bit scary because in business, we need to know where, what the economic playground we’re playing in is.And right now it is very uncertain and it is quite scary.I would have to agree.The aim is of course, to build security and confidence and what the future there’s things we can control, the things we can’t control.And on this video… on these videos, these three, the videos, we’re going to be talking about what we can control.So what, one of the things we can control is our marketing.We can make sure that we do the right marketing.We get the right message out there.We get positioned, right.We continue to market because if we stop marketing then, as sure as eggs are eggs, we are going to have a problem down the line because our business needs the new blood of new clients.You know, we get a lot of referral work from our clients.You know, some of our best clients refer us the most.And, there’s no surprise that because they engage with us the most.They get the most value, and then they pass on our information to other people who also are having similar problems.And so, you know, what we want to do is keep, still getting the message out there.We’re still doing marketing like this.We’re not only relying on our referral network from our clients.So this is, it .Get your marketing… tune it in.Make sure that context is based on what we’ve talked about, you know, with, with the lock down and open up.Make sure your customers understand and you are empathetic with them.
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