Have you ever found that when you don’t understand something you either don’t use it very much or don’t use it at all?
I know that has been true for me.
My name is Gordon D’Silva and I run the team at Gordons Knight and we’re business accountants and coaches.
What we have found over time is that if businesses don’t understand their numbers, they don’t use their numbers…
… And if businesses don’t use their numbers, they don’t grow as quickly as the businesses that do.
Now, I don’t expect all my clients to go and do an MBA in understanding their numbers and understanding their business to the level that they probably need to straight away.
However, I see it as my responsibility to make things simple. So take this graph here on the screen. For example, “where did the money go”?
It is really easy, in seconds, to see where all the money went.
You know, you have sales of a million pounds.
Where did it all go if we end up with in a profit of a hundred thousand pounds.
Where did the rest go?
And it’s useful to know where the rest went and then you can begin to Benchmark that and you can begin to set targets and then you can begin to set a focus of where you want your business to be differently.. In the following year …The following period… In the following month
And knowing where your business is, and knowing where you want to go, and being able to track it through your numbers…
Depicted in clear charts, clear graphs, clear big pieces of information, makes it really easy to understand and use.
If business numbers aren’t quick, if they’re not simple, if they’re not usable, if they’re not action orientated, if they don’t lead to an action…
Then typically they’re useless and they hardly worth producing other than for the taxman.
And we’ve got better things to do than just do stuff for the taxman.
Yes, let them get the by-product. Not the main product.
Let us get the main value from the work we do in our numbers.
To grow up business to make it more profitable
To make it easier to run
To make it more fun to run.
And so that’s what we love to do for our clients.
Let me ask you …How usable are your numbers in your business?
Do you find them really easy to pick up insights and nuggets from?…
…That you can then take and create an action plan …
…Then take forward and measure and grow your business?
Or do you find just a whole load of pages of numbers and charts and and tables, pretty much, no use at all?
You tell me.
If you’d like to start the process of making your numbers simple and easy why not get our simple training on the “Seven Magic Numbers”.
It is really easy to understand.
It begins to break out the 7 simple numbers, that if you apply and focus on and change, can easily improve the quality of your business.
Not only the quality of the business results… The income… The profits… But also the quality of the business…
How much less stress there is?
How much more fun there is to run the business?
And how much more fun it is to own and carry on running the business?
And that’s what I would suggest would be a next step if your numbers aren’t really easy to understand and easy to use and assimilate.
Tell me, how easy are your numbers?
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