Budget 2015 Dividend Impact on Small Businesses Briefing”
In his budget of July 2015, George Osborne gave small businesses and trade as a limited company a real kicking. Having spent years encouraging businesses to incorporate, so the taxman could control their paperwork better, this measure seems to have gone the other way.
Wimbledon London accountants provide this short briefing on how this might affect you, and what you can do about it. Gordon D’Silva, Managing Director at Gordons Knight, and best-selling author, provides a nine minute video briefing, sharing some planning thoughts.
Available for both clients and non-clients alike, consider getting your thinking together before it is too late. This budget is expected to go through Parliament by October, and become effective from April 2016.
The budget of July 2015 can hurt your pocket. Now is the time to sit up and take notice.
Click here for “Budget Reviews on Buy to Let“
Click here for “Budget Reviews on Rent a Room Relief“
For more information about award-winning London accountant Gordon D’Silva, Managing Director of Gordons Knight, call 020 8241 3000. www.Gordonsknight.co.uk
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All the best
Gordon D’Silva
Gordon D’Silva is an International bestselling author of “Profit Propeller”, An Award-Winning Accountant, and a Speaker. He has developed The Profit Multiplier Program for entrepreneurs within Owner Managed Businesses, and their teams. Committed to results, he holds his clients accountable to their actions and time scales. His no holds barred, and direct approach is his calling card. To find out more about his work, click here.