About Us
I’m a successful business and, in multi-award-winning chartered accountant, and a business mentor.
I really understand business, and I understand numbers.
Warren Buffett states that numbers are the language of business.
I speak that language.
I work with a select few ambitious business owners if any particular time. Our relationship will be completely confidential, open and honest between us.
At some point, you may be invited into a group of like-minded business owners to mastermind and get feedback on your problem, you opportunities and your positioning. This will be by invitation only.
We protect our reputation, by choosing our clients carefully.
We want to work with business owners who wish to review their business model, their strategy, their tactics and their action.
If you do not want to at least honestly review how you are getting your current results, and what is
holding you back, it is unlikely we can help you.
I also operate a “say it as you see it” policy. I will never hold back my opinions, even if it means I lose
your business. That integrity is more important to me than your fee.
I would accept and appreciate the same from you.
To find out how we can help increase your profits and the value of your business, book a 10 minute call by clicking here