Very few Wimbledon accountants take a stand against the tax office, like we do. We believe in standing up for our clients rights to pay the least amount of tax legally possible.
While we’re not always successful in getting the Inland Revenue to see things our way, we are successful often enough to make it worthwhile for our clients.
The tax morality climate has changed over the last 10 years. Tax avoidance is now confused with tax evasion. While tax avoidance was always legal, it is now being tarnished with the same brush as tax evasion.
This is both dangerous and unfair. After all where do you draw the line” asks Gordon D’Silva of Wimbledon accountants, Gordons Night. this short video explains our position.
If you would like to review your tax affairs, with a view to paying the minimum legally possible, please click on the buttons on the right. I look forward to speaking to you soon.
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All the best
Gordon D’Silva
Gordon D’Silva is an International bestselling author of “Profit Propeller”, An Award-Winning Accountant, and a Speaker. He has developed The Profit Multiplier Program for entrepreneurs within Owner Managed Businesses, and their teams. Committed to results, he holds his clients accountable to their actions and time scales. His no holds barred, and direct approach is his calling card. To find out more about his work, click here.