Corbyn Labour Case Study
Let’s look at how Corbin and McDonald with the Labour Party proved that strategy works and how you can use that in a small business.
You will remember a few months ago that there was an election a snap election called the conservatives riding high in the polls.
Labour was in the doldrums. They were really getting hammered by the polls many many points behind the biggest gap for absolutely years for and for a Labour government against conservative or conservative government against it was a massive gap.
And yet six weeks later they had nearly won the election starting from a no hope position.
Six weeks earlier. So let’s look at the points that they had within this structure within their strategy that you and I can learn from this was gleaned from an interview I saw on TV with Macdonald who was. Running running behind the scenes running the campaign saying the strategy with his team and the whole Labour team.
And of course the the head and body of the Labour Party was called and he was out there doing the talks but behind the scenes the strategy was being organised by the whole party.
So let’s have a look at what they did. The first thing they did is they had a strategy.
Clearly they had a strategy that involved doing things differently to what everyone expected because no one from what I could tell expected them to do so well.
I think even they didn’t expect it to have to be quite frank. But it what it was is a testimony to how well their strategy. Came through for them.
They came now besides having a strategy be executed the strategy didn’t just have a strategy and think yeah that’s it.
They put the plan in the desk drawer and leave it there.
They executed it.
They followed it.
They did what it said.
And as things were progressing during that very short snap election period five or six weeks they adjusted the strategy when they found things were working.
They did more of it when they found things weren’t working.
And you know there were some of their colleagues who were just not performing very well in the press.
They just started in the side like most people or that person comes to mind they effectively sidestep the threats and threats and barriers to their success.
You know they had the threats they knew a lot of the media are not for them let’s put it that way.
You know they were getting a hammering in the press right.
But they sidestepped that they knew they weren’t going to get a decent hearing from the mainstream media other than the one or two papers that sort of leans more to the left.
And so they were getting hammered so they sidestreet that they knew they were going to get their message across by using those mediums. So they sidestep those.
They stayed on message they kept on saying the same thing again and again whether you agree with what they said or didn’t. Clearly the message got heard by enough people to give them a massive rise in popularity membership.
And of course election result now you know yes they lost but they clearly showed something different had happened with the rhetoric they were using.
So the message was it was relevant to the market they were aiming at okay if you’re not a supporter it wasn’t aimed at you.
So if you resonate with that message it was aimed at you.
And so they knew they weren’t going to get certain people following their message because some people wouldn’t agree with them no matter what they said.
But there were some there were a lot of people and certainly some many young new voters who liked the message. And they stayed on that message again and again and again there was no real meat to that information.
It was just the message yes we’re going to put more money into this yes we’re going to give you more more income Yes we’re going to put more investment yes we’re going to spend more on the health service yes we’re going to give nurses.
It just isn’t going to cut student loans and yes we’re going to pay back your student loan. All of these things were just stayed on message how they were going to do that.
I was sort of left a little bit vague in cloudy but it didn’t matter because for some reason it appealed to the people they were after and then appeal to a need. Clearly there was a need there otherwise there wouldn’t have got so many people following them you know.
Different people have different views and you know why they were in the state they are you know one of the things that upsets me a little bit about where we are in the UK column is that we seem to be like a Third World country we pay rubbish wages to to staff you know we’ve got this minimum wage.
Everyone seems to be on. You know in different trades it’s just normal to pay people minimum wage and you know way sometimes cheaper than some third world countries.
It’s it’s crazy it’s wrong. But you know it could be appealed to a need there was there was a need in the market where people were getting frustrated that they were getting no further ahead.
They were working hard and many like businesses. I know many many businesses who did not get a head every year their income stays about the same and it’s and it’s upsetting to see because they’re working hard and often for a business they’ve got some control over what they do. If you’re an employee often there’s very little control is there.
You as a business owner watching this you will get a sense that you can control things right.
I mean I was at a climb the other day and we picked up one strategy when we were working on the strategy of their business which is they began working with us that they had been in business for like 40 years.
We met them for the first time a couple of weeks ago and we identified one strategy that was relatively easy to implement quite quickly. They could easily increase their profits by 40, 80, 120000 pounds with how much risk at all.
You know and it was they were complaining that they had no income increase for the last seven years.
You know it’s because often the missing bits of the strategy they’re looking internally they’re doing what they know not what is right for the business which sometimes comes from an outside source.
So let’s get back to this this thing the Labour Party communicated regularly you know there were rallies every week sometimes two or three times a week and not only that they were broadcast to other area so the rallies were held in.
From what I gather from that you know I’m not I’m not a big follower off you know or how this went down and in terms of the elections but I gather this the rallies were held in late in labour popular strongholds where they knew they were going get a rousing reception but it was broadcast to other areas where they may not have got such a rousing reception.
But you know by getting it out there they got their message unadulterated unedited by the press by the media who were down down it.
But they were just put a live broadcast out and out it was you know in the market place for the relevant people to consume. And so they communicate really capitalized on their wins when they were winning they did more of it.
You know they didn’t just go Oh right. To be word let’s do something else now.
They did more of it than they kept. If you listen to the speeches that were very much the same thing again and again and again in a way as they had substance whether the substance whether you agree with the substance of don’t clearly enough people agreed with it.
Whereas on the other camp the substance was hardly anything. And it was it was seemed to be robotic and and lacked depth.
It left it lacked emotion. And so you know again so they capitalize on their wins.
They accepted their weakness. And remember they communicated in the right medium for the markets while they were after Labour voters in the north for example.
They went up there. They they talked to them at rallies. Right. These people don’t consume Facebook and stuff.
They just 10 rallies in person they turn up and listen to someone speak and the person speaks to the hopes and fears.
And they were a ready audience and they thought this is different. This man knows our pain. Let’s vote for him.
They also broadcast that in in other areas like campuses and stuff and on Facebook because they knew that the young people they were targeting were consuming it in that way. So they communicated in a way there was at the right medium for the market.
They were after. Now I am hoping by listening to this you are getting a sense of what you could do.
And its one of the things we do and our profit multiplier program we look at what this business model is we look at the strategy we look at what you want look at what business you want to run and we build the strategy and we build the tactics and we hone them down to do this type of stuff so that you get this type of result of this winning result.
And of course the result was they nearly won the election from a no hope.
They accepted their weaknesses they knew that they had some low in the polls.
And they were getting no press of any quality. And they went a different way.
They accepted that and this went by.
There is no point complaining about it. Its not going to change.
Lets go a different route and they nearly won the election stunning from a know her position six weeks early.
Now you as a business owner could do all of that and by doing all of that you will begin to understand the power of this because you begin to see the results.
 I’m going to leave it there says as I get quite excited when I talk about shrestha just because it is such a powerful fundamental place that businesses often overlook when they’re looking at why their income is not rising why they’re not getting more profits in their business why they can’t afford the lifestyle they want and desire why the hard work is paying off.
It starts here as the strategy and the process as they go along with that.
So look I hope you found that. Useful in thought provoking.
I do apologize.
Well I really apologize for getting excited about strategy.
To me it is is the fundamental and I love business and I love seeing my clients succeed so you know take me as it is. All right.
I look forward to speaking to you take care of yourselves and enjoy the rest of your week.