How do I get a quote?
Getting a quote is easy.
Simply give us a call, and we will discuss your requirements in detail, and prescribe what we believe you want and need.
You choose the elements you want, and the price is fixed for those elements.
No long-term contracts or tie-ins.
Book a call today.
How much do you charge?
We have fixed fees for all our services, for your complete peace of mind.
Our fees are dependent on the circumstances you present us with, the complexity, and the services you would like to bundle together.
Your fee will almost certainly be different to every other client we have, as your business is unique. In your choice of services, will also be unique.
Our fees are fixed and fair.
No long-term contracts or tie-ins.
Book a quote call today.
How quick are you?
Our standard turnaround time is different for different services.
Payroll adjustments, usually within 24 hours.
Accounts, usually within two weeks, unless complex and incomplete records have to be sorted.
VAT returns, within seven days or less, depending on the quality of your records.
You will never be disappointed with our turnaround times.
If you need something specifically urgently, just make us aware in your request, and we will work tirelessly to deliver.
Remember, we have no long-term contracts or tie-ins.
Book a quote call today.
Can I change accountants?
Most clients come to us from other accountants.
We have a very clean and professional process to explain to your old accountants that you are moving.
We take care of everything, once we have received your instructions.
Once a decision is made, we contact your old accountants for handover information.
In virtually all situations, the information is sent to us, so we can begin work immediately.
We make it really easy to work with us.
Book a quote call today.
May I spread the cost?
Of course you can.
In fact that is our standard process, to spread the fees over the period to be covered.
That makes it affordable and makes sense, as it is spread along with your business income.
Remember, we have no long-term contracts or tie-ins.
Book a quote call today.
Who does my work?
Your work is allocated to the best team member qualified to do the work that needs doing on your accounts.
The team has been personally picked and trained by me (Gordon DeSilva).
Each team member works to a predefined checklist, and set of controls that is designed to get the right result for you.
All you work is reviewed by me personally, to make sure that it is of the right quality.
You will be allocated your personal accounts manager, to deal with your day-to-day queries.
Again, all the advice they give is checked with me, to make sure it is of the highest possible standard.
Remember, we have no long-term contracts or tie-ins.
Book a quote call today.
What if I have a question?
We welcome your questions.
In fact, we invite you to ask questions as soon as you you have a concern.
The quicker we can solve your problem, or answer your question, the faster you can get on and grow your business.
You can book a call directly into our calendar, or simply call the office, if it is urgent.
We are here to help you.
It is what we built our business to do.
Book a quote call today.
Why should I choose you?
That is a difficult one to answer, but I will have a go.
Our clients stay with us for years, because we look after them so well. You will see some of them on the videos on our testimonial page.
We have entered national awards, and one three years running, just to demonstrate that we are the cream of the crop.
Our fees are fixed and fair, and completely transparent. We guarantee that you will never have a unpleasant fee shock.
More than just taking excellent care of your accounts and taxes, we look after your business. From marketing and sales advice to pricing and profitability.
In other words you get much more than just accounts.
You get a dedicated team of business and tax professionals looking after you.
Book a quote call today.