Every Client gets specific and useful Bonuses when working with us…
Our Platinum Service… available by invitation only
The ultimate in Growth Guarantees.
We guarantee to help you generate a further £30,000 of profits and £100.000 of business value through:
- Uncovering hidden marketing assets
- Developing a powerful Unique Selling Proposition if you do not have one
- A powerful coaching session with consultancy 8 times a year
- Help and guide your creation and execution of your marketing plan
- Plus everything in our Gold Service
Our Gold Service – fixed monthly fee
- Monthly Board meeting attendance online on a fixed agenda, to help you review plans, and execute your actions
- Helping you create and utilise a Profit Plan on a Page – keeping you focused on the right elements of your business
- A discount on your regular end of year accounts preparation
- We guarantee to help you generate a further £15,000 of profits and £30.000 of business value through
- Plus Everything in our Silver Service
Our Silver Service – fixed monthly fee
- Quarterly Business review online
- Proactive call each month to check on what is challenging you and offer you brief coaching on the subject
- Plus Everything in our Bronze Service
Our Bronze Service – what you get as standard as a valued client
- All your accounts, VAT, PAYE and tax returns filed on time, every time
- A two hour training course on how to keep the accounts to raise and collect invoices, claim expenses to reduce tax, and know where your cash flow is at any time
- A CD/DVD containing key data, videos, MP3s, checklists and much more to help you get your business selling more, making more, and helping you achieve your goals
- A weekly audio and video podcast on marketing, sales, and business to help you with ideas to grow your business. We guarantee that applying just one idea a month will cover our fees twice over
- The monthly “Profit Matters” tip sheet, with further ideas to help you grow your profits and run a better business
- Periodic webinars on the subject of success, wealth building, time management, business valuation, building teams, and much more – running between 20 and 60 minutes. You can watch these live of at your convenience on your PC, laptop, tablet or phone
- Unlimited reactive telephone support, to answer your questions and put your mind at rest. A fair use policy applies
- Pre- Year End tax planning to make sure that you pay the legally required minimum amount of tax, and not a penny more
- The advice, planning and assistance to help you claim the right expenses to minimise your tax bill year on year
- Advice, planning and assistance to help you claim more than the derisory £3 per week allowance for using your own home as an office that HMRC tries to limit you to
- Access to our qualified team of accountants; their support will encourage you and motivate you to run a better business and help you achieve your goals quicker
- A “Goal Setting” training video, to help you use the latest thinking in the psychology of setting and achieving your business goals
- “Creating A Business Strategy” training video, to help you create a strategy that propels your business forward
- “Building a Profit Plan on a Page” video that helps you create a one-page map to keep you focused on your business growth
- An automated, simple coaching program that is delivered to your inbox every week or month, to help you remind yourself what your key focus should be, what promise you make yourself, and keeping you on track to achieve your goals
- A “Growth Plan” video, that helps plant new ideas to create expansion for your business, and teaches you about the benefit of government incentives to save tax by reducing risk, increasing debility, reducing costs, and using losses more effectively