How to Save Tax on a Property Portfolio – by Award Winning Chartered Accountant Gordon D’Silva
For Serious Property Investors only with a portfolio valued at over £2m, ideally with over 5 properties, and with an active management style.
This briefing is essential watching before we meet. I start my private consultations, where the briefing stops. Please email me if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. Email Us
If you are not comfortable with risk, this is not for you. We minimise risk, but can never eliminate it.
This is about a business decision. Is the huge tax savings worth the investment and risk?
This video explains the principles in much greater detail.
This briefing is essential watching before we meet. I start my private consultations, where the briefing stops. Please email me if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. Email Us
Click Here for Closing my Limited Company
Click Here for 5 point checklist to help you wind down your business for the end of the year!