Was May’s campaign in the election recently a typical example of why so many small businesses do not achieve their goals.
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Hi my name is Gordon D Silva.
 And on this short blog I want to just explore why Mays campaign did so badly and alternatively why Corbin’s did so well I’ve already done a blog on Corbin’s campaign and why we can learn as businesses great lessons from the way that that campaign was won.
Whether you agree with the politics or not there was some lessons within that surprisingly enough that small business can increase profits using so let’s look at Mays campaign clearly there was a poor strategy you know was a very short campaign.
It was a six-week campaign and that is a good you know a good time to be able to identify whether things are working and not and change there was clearly a lot at stake right .
But I believe that strategy took too much for granted okay that took their position in the polls as a card blunder they’re going to win and they put no thought into what if scenarios right and that is what small businesses also misses these what.
If scenarios that they they go in and they’re so busy they just do the same thing week after week after week a ton of that sounds a bit like you know what you know busy day in your life is you just get in you you get up and you just start work and at the end of the day you’ve finished working the next day.
It’s another day you know there’s the strategy is missed and we don’t look at it they failed fast now that’s a good thing in many cases for small businesses especially where we are very had you’re a long way we can make decisions quickly .
We can change direction quickly we can review things quickly and put things into place quickly you know failing fast is a really good thing because you try things out they don’t work and you try something else and it does what can you do more of it in the conservative Mays campaign.
They fail fast and they failed long that didn’t adjust the there were there was no adjustment to the strategy there was no adjustment to the tactics there was no adjustment to the way the modeler.
They were using to try to win the election and they got there by the skin of their teeth that you know you know what the fallout is you know it’s been terrible now as a
small business.
We can’t afford that type of fallout you know these guys they play politics you know we have to live our lives we’ve got to create the income and the life we want through our businesses and we cannot afford to fail fast and fail long we fail fast is absolutely fine.
May – Lessons for small businesses
We can’t afford that type of fallout you know these guys they play politics you know we have to live our lives we’ve got to create the income and the life we want through our businesses and we cannot afford to fail fast and fail long we fail fast is absolutely fine.
I’m all for that we try things out faster we experiment with with a small amount of resource we don’t bet a whole business on it she bet the whole business on it and fail and fail long you know as small businesses we don’t have that ability you know we haven’t got deep deep deep pockets and it matters to us because if we fail long you know we can lose a house .
We can no not provide for our families and stuff it you know it’s a dramatic right it’s dramatic these guys in politics they’ll go off and get another job like Osbourne did in earning a million pounds.
We can’t do that often now we have to we have to make our businesses work so there was no adjustment to the strategies no adjustment of the tactics there’s no adjustment to the method methodology.
They were using to try to get elected and they they had a feedback failure they were getting feedback but they failed to take any notice of it now feedback is as like as one of my mentors taught me years and years ago.
And I still use the face the breakfast of champions you know getting feedback what’s working with your clients what’s working with your audience what’s working in the marketplace and what isn’t and taking that feedback and then applying it.
And changing things in your business is absolutely critical and in this case there was no adjustment and after the feedback that we’re getting right they had feed they were getting a feedback and very sometimes in small businesses.
It’s quite hard to get proper feedback here you could put on any news channel you could put at any documentary and the feedback was clear what people did not like what the press did felt though what was going wrong with the campaign.
And so there was plenty of feedback that nothing happened they just thought no where we’ve got the right we’ve got the right methodology that people don’t like it tough we’re going to win anyway poor poor status as small businesses.
We can’t do that there was clearly some communication failure there was there’s a weakness in communication in how passionate this person was May wasn’t a government was they made her the the the put her on a pedestal and she just didn’t have the personality or it didn’t come through that she really cared him.
It was connecting with what what was happening and clearly because she didn’t adjust the rhetoric it was just like you know I’ll just present the same thing again and again and you know everyone will think it was wonderful eventually if I just stay on message.
You know this isn’t the US and you know she isn’t Donald Trump and it doesn’t work you know and you can’t afford it the small business.
 You can’t afford that type of office stalemate because you just lose you know the market always wins the market always will tell you what it wants and if you don’t give it.
What i wants you know you’ve done for right now it’s a short a short time before the business will fail so you’ve got to get him become a good communicate and communicate and if you watch the Corbin one you’ll see you’ll get the other side of this thing by the way and those clearly some empathy fairly.
We’ve talked about that a second ago you know there was clearly no evidence of empathy that you feel for the people you’re working for so you know in in business do you feel for your clients like I feel for mine you know I really want my clients to succeed I want them to do better.
I want them to have better quality lives I wanted to have a better earning business I want them to have you know better holidays and a nicer house and nicer cars if that’s what what floats their boat you know.
I feel for them because through their business is the best way of creating that that wealth that adjustment you know and that’s what my many people go into business for and so they went you know the Conservatives went from a winning position to virtual failure.
Because they miss these points now I’m sure that you will not miss these points because not only because you’re students but you know
I’m sure you what you don’t miss these points in your business and if you do because you’re just so busy getting our head down then you know I would ask you to put some time aside every week.
We recommend you know 60 minutes maybe 90 minutes every week as a minimum maybe even 90 minutes a day or 50 minutes a day as a minimum just to think about the strategy think about what you’re doing think about what you’re working on and make it work for you so let me leave you without.
My name’s Gordon D Silva and if you found this useful please click the like button if you’d like to hear more there’s lots of blogs on business and we hope you enjoy them and gain from them I look forward to speaking to you soon
You take care of yourself