Contractor & Freelancer Accountants in Wimbledon, Croydon, London
IR35 Contractor & Freelancers
In the recent budget, the Chancellor announced tightening of the rules in IR35 affecting contractors and freelancers.
As award winning accountants, we take great care to advise our clients on the pitfalls to avoid and the thinking to consider adopting.
Below you will find our booklet prepared for contractors and freelancers, which includes some advice on IR35. This is changing regularly, so please make sure you talk to us about the specifics of your business before committing yourself to a course of action.
We hope you find the booklet informative, and if you are looking for an accountant that can help you through this maze, then please consider calling us for details and a fixed fee quote.
For more information and a free quote, please contact Gordons Knight & Co, tax accountants in London, Wimbledon and Croydon on 0208 241 3000 or email us: gds(at)gordonsknight(dot)co(dot)uk
You can also learn more about IR35 and the costly effects this can have on your business here. If you are unsure about whether you need to file a self assessment tax return, you can fill out our simple questionnaire to help you make the right decision. Please remember that there are not always hard and fast rules, and it’s always best to speak to an expert before making any decisions.
For more help and advice, contact Gordon at Gordons Knight on 0208 241 3000 or gds(at)gordonsknight(dot)co(dot)uk