Wimbledon Accountant discusses the rent a room relief changes”

Wimbledon Accountant, introduces a short briefing on how the rent a room relief has changed, and a reminder of the rules behind it.

For more information about award-winning accountant Gordon D’Silva, MD of Gordons Knight, call 020 8241 3000. www.Gordonsknight.co.uk

GK Budget Briefing 2015 Rent A Room Relief.

Wimbledon Accountant 

This briefing includes information on the changes in the availability of rent a room relief, as well as a reminder of the rules for claiming under the rent a room scheme.

Gordon D’Silva also discusses the tax issues behind it, and even some strategy for setting the rent for the room you are letting out, thus maximising the use of the relief.

Remember that this relief will be worth nearly £10,000 in gross income terms when it comes into force in 2016. For advice on any property related issues, contact Wimbledon Accountant, and property tax expert, Gordon D’ Silva.

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For more information about award-winning accountant Gordon D’Silva, MD of Gordons Knight, call 020 8241 3000. www.Gordonsknight.co.uk.

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All the best

Gordon D’Silva

Gordon D’Silva is an International bestselling author of “Profit Propeller”, An Award-Winning Accountant, and a Speaker. He has developed The Profit Multiplier Program for entrepreneurs within Owner Managed Businesses, and their teams. Committed to results, he holds his clients accountable to their actions and time scales. His no holds barred, and direct approach is his calling card. To find out more about his work, click here.

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