Work Work Work
Work Work Work
Last updated: 26 August 2020
Business Owner Update 22nd May
Work, work, work.I remember when that used to completely fill my life and it was not a choice now it’s work, work, work, and it does fill my life.Because I really love what I do.And to me it’s more like a hobby, a job because I know have choices and that is fundamentally what I see myself as being a coach for.I call myself a cashflow coach because having cash reserves, having cash balances is the gateway to having the life you desire, whether that is leaving work.If you don’t enjoy what you do and going on more holidays, having a bigger house, nicer cars and boats maybe, or it could be like me doing, doing more holidays when you’re allowed.And also, you know, being able to work at something you love.How about you?
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