by Gordon D'Silva | Sep 23, 2017 | Gordon D'Silva's blog, MANAGEMENT, TAX
Thirty-five million and a business decision Hi my name is Gordon D Silva I’ve just been listening to the news on my journey Here and I’ve just heard that the garden bridge which was supposed to be built across the Thames is now being scrapped and... by Gordon D'Silva | Aug 21, 2017 | GOAL SETTING, Gordon D'Silva's blog, LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING
Who is working for Whom in Your Business Who is working for whom in your business Hi my name is Gordon D silva and the question I just proposed is an important one. And I think it’s in the next 30 seconds. This one I just want you to think about this question do... by Gordon D'Silva | Aug 16, 2017 | Gordon D'Silva's blog, LEVERAGE, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING
Would you buy Your Business Hi my name is Gordon D Silva and one of the questions I got asked this week was how much is my business worth and unfortunately the answer really shocked my clients. I just go through the principles I wear and talk to the splines about when... by Gordon D'Silva | Jul 19, 2017 | LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY
Corbyn Labour Case Study Let’s look at how Corbin and McDonald with the Labour Party proved that strategy works and how you can use that in a small business. You will remember a few months ago that there was an election a snap election called the conservatives... by Gordon D'Silva | Jul 19, 2017 | CLIENT STORIES, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY
Corbyn and McDonald Prove Strategy works They nearly won the election, starting from a “no hope” position six weeks earlier. They had a strategy. They executed the strategy. They adjusted the strategy. They effectively sidestepped the threats/barriers to their... by Gordon D'Silva | Feb 12, 2017 | GOAL SETTING, LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, PAYROLL, PRODUCTIVITY, PROFITABILITY
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